Subversion in art is something controversial and it's supposed to make you feel offended in some way. Subversion art also makes you change your perspective on how you look at the world. Taking Tracey Tawhiao's art as an example, she creates her art from newspaper and takes key words from it. She then leaves the words out and paint over the rest. With the words left, it creates a whole new different meaning that was not intended in the newpaper.
It is called all share space. The color pallet is mostly blue, gold, and white. I think this image was made at the start of covid. From what I can observe, the fishes has triangle patterns and I think they represent masks.
Hey man! I really like the learning that you've share via your blog. The artwork you chose looks to be a swag example of subversion - you sure have an eye for these things! Also, your interpretation for the meaning of subversion is really thoughtful and it does make a lot of sense, go great job for thinking about it!