
Monday, February 22, 2021

Tracey Tawhiao AS 90913 v4 internal assessment


 Subversion in art is something controversial and it's supposed to make you feel offended in some way. Subversion art also makes you change your perspective on how you look at the world. Taking Tracey Tawhiao's art as an example, she creates her art from newspaper and takes key words from it. She then leaves the words out and paint over the rest. With the words left, it creates a whole new different meaning that was not intended in the newpaper. 

 It is called all share space. The color pallet is mostly blue, gold, and white. I think this image was made at the start of covid. From what I can observe, the fishes has triangle patterns and I think they represent masks.

From my understanding, subversion is represented through the words that are shown. "It's what they didn't say told the story." It's about the mistranslations in the Treaty of Waitangi and the outcomes of it. "ownerships"or "kawanatanga".

Friday, February 19, 2021


 My understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi is that it is signed in the 1840s. It is an agreement between the Crown and some Maori leaders. It has 3 principles: protection, partnership, and participation. There were a lot of mistranslations in the Maori version

 This week in Wananga, We did our Wananga introduction slides and wrote in our journals.  

What I think of Wananga is that it's okay since I am not really sure what it's for.  

Note to Self is a book full of inspirational quotes. It is very cool. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

 In art, we referenced some of Tracy Tawhiao's artworks. 

I think the focal point of the second artwork is the horse. Because its the only one that looks different and it isn't repeated, unlike the other patterns.

For the top image I think the focal point is 
the koru that shaped like an arrow is the focal point. It's because I heavly shaded it in and it pops out the white image.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Subject matter matter


In art, we differentiated the differences of the different paintings of the artists with the same themes and subject matters. 


Last week in art our class made a mood board consisting of different artists. The theme I stuck with is the color red.



This week in arts we brainstormed a bunch of ideas. I couldn't come up with any ideas about the cityscape subject.

I am also pretty interested in the ukiyo-e artstyle