
Thursday, October 29, 2020

'Who Gets What'

 This week in ESOL, we continued our learning of the Chocolate industry. We were asked to work with our teams from the last activity we did. Where we mapped out what countries most of the producers and consumers were. Our activity was to represent a role in the 'bean to bar' process for making and selling chocolates. There were five roles that we chose from. 

  The growers of cocoa. The growers of the cocoa, plant, and harvest cocoa to sell to the cocoa buyers. The growers work in Tropical Lands.

 The buyers of cocoa import to the chocolate makers and pay the growers. They also work in air-conditioned offices. They sell the cocoas to rich producing countries.

The producers of other ingredients of the chocolate. They produce the other ingredients of the chocolate. They have workers who work to produce the ingredients. 

The chocolate manufacturers. They make the actual product and work with laborers and machines.  They usually work in factories.

Lastly, the shopkeepers. This was the role my group chose. Retailers work in retails with good air conditioning and are usually dressed nicely and sell the finished product to consumers. 

We also divided the money using percentages. Our first choice was to have 25 percent of the 1.23. But the total exceeded the limit so we had to negotiate. A classmate of ours became a solicitor and removed a few percentages and our group settled at 19 percent. We then found out the actual percentage and the actual percentage we were supposed to have was 23 percent. 

 It did not really surprise me once I found out the actual percentages our roles were supposed to have. 

To conclude, I personally think that it is quite fair. Since everybody has families, rent and stuff to pay. 

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