Introductory statement: Controlled burning is when a "wildfire" is set purposely and planned which is beneficial for the forest management. They carefully plan it and have firefighters thoroughly watch the flames. There are two types of controlled burning: broadcast burning, which involves lighting fire in an area of land, while pile burning is when leaves, branches and other debris are cut snd burnt when weather conditions aren't safe.
Arguments: Why is it a good thing? I believe that controlled burning is a good method, because not only has this method been used for a long time, It also is helpful to the environment. Controlled burning or prescribed burning is set when there are wildfires happening to prevent the fire from spreading larger and faster. The fire also helps return the nutrients in the soil. Controlled burning is also used to exterminate dead trees, branches and other debris which frees up space to help young trees and new plants to grow in. This is how it helps with the environment.
How does controlled burning work? Interestingly it already states it in the name. It basically is just controlled burning. First, managers plan and draw up a plan, which includes how big, what will it burn and what they hope to accomplish with the fire. The managers also plan how the fire will be set, how to inform the public and the equipment needed. They would also check the weather and the environment's state.
How does it affect wildlife? The managers choose carefully when they burn based on current conditions, and many controlled fires are slow-moving giving the wildlife a chance to find safety by leaving the area or finding shelter. Burn sites are divided into smaller plots with some land left unburnt, giving space for wildlife to go. Very little injuries happen during prescribed burning as most animals are able to escape but if there are animals that were burnt, the people managing the fires would look around the burnt area looking for injured animals. Prescribed burning helps maintain healthy habitats and restores and strengthen plants.
Conclusion: I strongly believe that controlled burning or prescribed burning benefits us as it can stop wildfires from spreading larger and faster, It's planned well and help maintain healthy habitats. One example is a prescribed burning occurred in the ponderosa pine forest in eastern Washington, United States to restore ecosystem health and another example is in southeast Australia which began at the beginning of September which was rapidly spreading, so they used prescribed burning to stop the spread of the bush fires.

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