1. Place about 2 ml of the sample onto a test tube and then add 5 drops of benedict solution
2. Heat with a Bunsen until it changes colour. Do not boil.
Discussion: We dropped 5 drops of Benedict solution to the food sample(apple). It was blue at first but after a few shakes it turned orange. The food sample turned orange because the Apple contains simple sugars.
Conclusion: The Apple contains simple sugars because it turned orange.
Aim: To test if a sample food contains complex sugars.
1. Place about 2 ml of the sample in a test tube.
2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix.
Results: If complex sugars (i.e. starch) are present the iodine solution will change to brown colour to a blue/black colour
Discussion: We know that the food sample contains complex sugar because when we added iodine solution to the food sample it turned brown to black/blue.
Conclusion:the food sample contains complex sugar because it changed colours
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