
Sunday, August 27, 2023



This folio was by another NZQA student exemplar and we had to arrange how the designer would sequence their folio. I decided to put the images with the characters at the start to show the development of the character design. Then the concept themes and posters go next as they have developed the characters already. 

 It was a bit complicated to know how these are sequenced because the colours are consistent throughout the folio. 

 I have finished the first panel of my design folio which consists of the development of my company and game's logo, character and mascot. 

Now I am working on my panel two and drawing the assets for my "game" which will include weapons, environmental concepts, gameplay and level design to develop the world-building. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

ESOL Speech Reflection

In ESOL, we have been working on our speeches. I wrote about "Why I Like the Spider-verse Movies". What went well was that I could write my second speech despite it being a last-minute change as I didn't like the first topic I chose as it would be too hard to talk about. What didn't go well was it was hard to talk in front of my classmates and that I kept forgetting what I had to talk about. What I could do to improve is to practice more .